Search Engine Optimization is one of the popular subject for your website. Most of the people start Search Engine Optimization after web development and launching. There are big amount of people which they start SEO when users do not come to their websites. They want start to find holes and recover them.
In this article, I tried my best to cover basic SEO Holes which people want to cover when they have launched their website(s) and want to get more visitors. I want to introduce very basic SEO Techniques which they will help to cover basic issues.
I want to introduct you five basic seo techniques.
1) Title and Headlines
Title of a web page appears in top of the website tab and search engine result. Title tag defines in the <head> tag. Title should be optimized and not more than 70 characters (Spaces Included).
<H1> Tag Heading is very important in the web page. Minimum one <H1> Heading tag should define in the web page. It tells the people and search engine what kind of data they are searching. If you do not want to appear <H1> Headline tag then you can use CSS Style or Class to make it display none i.e. style=”display: none”
2) Meta Description
Meta description describe in the meta tag. It defines in the <head> tag. It should not more than 150 characters (spaces included). When we search result from search engine than two kinds of information shown in the searched result. One is page title and second is meta description.
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